I'm just a girl, sitting in front of a computer, asking you to read this.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread

If you're not sick of pumpkin flavored everything yet, here's my all-time favorite pumpkin bread recipe. It originally comes from Two Peas and Their Pod, and I've made just a few little changes to the recipe over the years. I've made at least once for the past three Octobers, and spending an evening making a few loaves of pumpkin chocolate chip bread has become one of my favorite fall traditions (along with watching Hocus Pocus any and every time I catch it on TV).

When I make the bread, I add 1 teaspoon of cardamom in addition to the cinnamon and nutmeg in the original recipe. I think it gives the final product an extra zip of warm deliciousness.

I also like to use mini chocolate chips in place of regular ones, and I use 1 1/2 cups of chips instead of just one. I operate under the idea that there is no such thing as too many chocolate chips (it is a truth universally acknowledged, in my opinion).

Pair this bread with a hot cup of Darjeeling tea (with a splash of milk), and you have my favorite fall breakfast/1 a.m. snack. What's yours?

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